Pros and Cons of Coffee: A Balanced Brew of Benefits and Drawbacks

Coffee is a regular drink for people around the world. Around 2.6 billion people consume coffee every day according to statistics. But have you ever wondered if is it really good for your health or not?

Ayurveda says that consumption of anything excessive is bad for human health. Coffee is one of the big commodities around the world and it is a source of income for millions of people.

In this article, we are going to delve into the pros and cons of coffee by conjuring the overall wellness and well-being of humans.

Table of Contents

Pros and Cons of Coffee

Let's explore some awesome benefits of coffee consumption:

Coffee can help you to boost your mood. After having a cup of coffee, it improves and helps for the production of hormones like Dopamine and Serotonin which are known as happy hormones which help in boosting your mood and productivity.

Coffee consists of antioxidants which makes it a great drink to keep you active

Researchers have proven that coffee can be a good drink for the risk of type 2 diabetes. Those people can consume it in a moderate portion.

Coffee has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. Which helps to burn more calories and helps to improve your mood towards exercise and improves your workout time by working as a workout drink...

Also, it is proven that coffee can help to prevent cancers like Breast Cancer, Colorectal cancer, Endometrial cancer, and Prostate cancer as well as heart diseases and Parkinson’s diseases.

Components in the coffee like antioxidants and the ability to trigger happy hormones. It's a great drink to reduce heart disease and also works to prevent major diseases like breast cancer, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, and prostate cancer.

Coffee also works to keep your brain active for a long time. Help in alertness and improves memory.

Many athletes and sportsmen prefer coffee as it helps them to manage pain gives a feeling of strength and reduces muscle soreness.

It enhances your cognitive function thinking ability and decision-making quality. A coffee break is a good break time for workaholic professionals.

Delicious coffee

What happens when you consume an excess of coffee?

Coffee can keep you alert. It can disrupt your sleep hence it's better for you to avoid coffee at least 3 to 4 hours before going to bed for better sleep.

If you don’t want to lose weight, please don’t drink it excessively because it promotes weight loss.

It also affects your appetite. Hence excessive consumption of coffee can aid in weight loss. 

If your coffee consumption is exceeding limits, then you can feel symptoms like heartburn, internal inflammation, loss of appetite, and upset stomach.

Sometimes those who cross coffee consumption limits can experience anxiety, Rapid heartbeat, and fatigue.

Tip: Hence it is necessary to have coffee on a limited cause because consumption of anything is not good for our health.

Recipe to make a delicious coffee:-

Ingredients: Sugar, water, Milk, and Coffee Powder.

Procedure : 

Take a cup and add a tablespoon of coffee powder to it.

Add boiled milk and water to the cup in proportions according to your preference. 

Using 1/3 milk is recommended for a better taste.

Stir the coffee powder with a little water until the colour turns brown.

Add sugar according to your taste.

Pour the boiled milk into the cup.

Your delicious coffee is now ready to drink.

In The bottom line

We have discussed the pros and cons of coffee consumption. Having it in moderation has numerous health benefits. And Ayurveda suggests that anything excessive is bad for health even if it is a good thing. 

Hence it is recommended that having 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day is better for overall health

Additionally, just be mindful about the consumption of coffee as it is attached to health risks too. Hence be aware and pave the way for healthy living.