Discover the Health Benefits of Lesser-known Herbs and Spices: Unlocking the Hidden Treasures From the Kitchen

Spices and herbs have been widely produced in India for a long before and it is widely known for it. Its history shows that it has been exporting these products to many countries since ancient times.

As early as 2000 BCE, India began trading cinnamon and pepper with Egyptians, and this marked the beginning of a long and illustrious history of spice and herb and their benefits.

Nowadays, varieties of spices and herbs are available in India and India is popular for it.

India produces tons of spices and herbs each year, and these products are famous worldwide for their great aroma, awesome taste, and overall quality.

And that is why, Countries like the US, Vietnam, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Iran, and Thailand are the best buyers of India and demand for spices and herbs is increasing day by day.

Discover the health benefits of lesser-known herbs and spices
health benefits of lesser-known herbs and spices

What exactly are herbs and spices?

There is a slight difference in herbs and spices, spices are obtained from both woody and non-woody plants and herbs are obtained only from non-woody plants.

When combined, they can be defined as plant-based materials that add amazing flavours, delightful aromas, remarkable tastes, and a plethora of health benefits to food.

Examples of spices and herbs are pepper, Turmeric, Garlic, salt, and Cinnamon etc.

Let’s check out some of the best herbs and spices that have great health benefits that we can use in our daily food:


Coriander leaves                                              Dill seeds (herb and spice) 

Garlic (widely used as a vegetable)                      Cumin   

Fenugreek seeds (Both spice and herb)          Bay leaves

Turmeric                                                           Ginger

Cinnamon                                                         Onion (vegetable)

Coriander leaves:

Coriander leaves belong to the Umbelliferae family and are aromatic herbs that provide a delightful aroma to food. They are quite a regular part of Indian meals and add flavour to dishes and lovely aroma.

They also contain potent antioxidants that can help improve eyesight and boost immunity presence of Vitamin C and A and fibre in it makes it easy.

Adding to it, Its benefits are seen in regulating blood sugar levels and improving your bone health because it is a great source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.

Therefore, consuming coriander leaves can also help you to improve your gut and digestive health.

health benefits of herbs and spices
Coriander leaves

Dill seeds

Anethum graveolens L., commonly known as dill, belongs to the Apiaceae family. This comes under the category of herb and is widely used for its Ayurvedic medicinal purposes.

Dill has excellent antibacterial properties that can kill harmful microbes within the body and fight flu and cold. Moreover, it is useful as an antidepressant due to its numerous phytonutrients, and Dill weed is widely used as an antidepressant medicine.

The natural compounds found in dill are also helpful in fighting fungal infections. Additionally, dill is used to add flavour to pickles and fermented vegetables.

Monoterpene effects found in dill work in your body for reducing free radicals and also it contains anti-agent properties. Dill can also help women reduce painful periods and menstrual cramps by improving blood flow. Furthermore, Dill oil is also used to kill harmful bugs and it is a great pest repellant.

Dill tea is beneficial for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, as it has natural calming effects discovered by ancient Egyptians. It also provides a sense of peace, treats hiccups, and reduces flatulence swelling, and insomnia. Dill seed paste can also help reduce acne and fight off pimples. 

Dill is also a rich source of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Manganese, folate iron and calcium. However, it can cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to plants in the carrot family hence needed to be careful.

Dill Seeds
Dill Seeds


Garlic belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family of plants and is an essential ingredient in Indian cuisine, commonly found in every Indian kitchen.

Garlic has awesome health benefits and mainly it is good for the cardiovascular health of human beings. Also, contents like allicin and diallyl trisulfide help to eliminate bad cholesterol in the body.

It is also beneficial for those dealing with hypertension or high blood pressure as it strengthens blood antioxidant potential and helps decrease oxidative free radical damage in the body.

Garlic is extremely beneficial for gut health as it contains inulin, which feeds good microorganisms that aid digestion. Essentially, garlic acts as a food for the good digestive bacteria in your body.

Adding to it, Garlic is great for brain health due to its antioxidant properties. It is very working and effective against diseases like neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Also, allicin is found in garlic which works as an antibacterial agent against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Garlic also plays a role in purifying the blood and contains allicin, which helps to increase white blood cells that fight against toxins. 

Garlic - Health Benefits


Cumin belongs to the parsley plant family (Apiaceae) and is an excellent solution for indigestion. The oil present in cumin stimulates saliva glands, thereby aiding in the digestion process.

Cumin contains compounds like terpenes, phenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids, which work as antioxidants and help to protect our body from free radicals.

In Ayurveda, cumin tea and drink are particularly effective in treating digestive issues such as piles and constipation related to the digestive tract and gut health. Furthermore, it is full of properties like anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, which helps to fight infections and also will help to boost your immune system.

Cumin plays an awesome role in the production of hemoglobin and it is a great source of iron. It is a great source of calcium and helps in relieving symptoms like nausea and constipation. It contains vitamin B6, Niacin and other important minerals which help to maintain memory.

Finally, vitamin E present in cumin promotes better skin health and prevents premature ageing.

Cumin - Health Benefits

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds come from the pea plant family (Fabaceae) legumes and are known for their fragrance and use as a spice in many Indian kitchens. These seeds are great sources of Vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folic acid, copper, calcium, and iron which make is awesome food.

It works nicely for gut health by flushing out toxins from the body cause they are rich in fibre.

Moreover, fenugreek seeds help reduce bad cholesterol, maintain blood pressure, and are extremely beneficial for heart conditions. The presence of vitamins A and K makes it a natural option for skincare.

Finally, fenugreek seeds possess antiviral properties that make them a useful homemade remedy for viral cough and cold.

Fenugreek Seeds - Health Benefits
Fenugreek seeds

Bay leaves

Bay leaves are derived from the laurel family (Lauraceae) and offer a plethora of health benefits. This is used in spicy foods and it is a main ingredient of garam masala. In ancient Greece, bay leaves were utilized for their medicinal properties.

Studies have shown that bay leaves can be effective in managing type 2 diabetes and combating infections.

The phytonutrients and essential oils present in bay leaves help regulate insulin function in the body, thereby controlling blood sugar levels.

Moreover, the aromatic compounds found in bay leaves can treat obstructed airways and lungs, aiding in the breakdown of mucus and phlegm, thus helping with allergies, coughs, and asthma.

Bay leaves are also beneficial for digestion and aid in promoting restful sleep. Bay leaf water is a common remedy for soothing stomach ulcers and treating gas.

Bay Leaves - Health Benefits
Bay leaves


Turmeric is used for lots of medicinal purposes worldwide as well as in cosmetics, and foods it comes from the family of Ginger called Zingiberaceae. Large production occurs in India everywhere and also exports to many other countries from India.

In ancient India, turmeric was used for many medicinal purposes; its root has the power to cure severe pain, fatigue, and breathing problems. It also has properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-bacterial and its yellow texture is caused by the pigment Curcumin into it.

Turmeric is a valuable source of medicine antioxidants in it slows down the ageing process in human beings and curcumin found in it can reduce body pain cause it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Curcumin can also improve brain health by strengthening neurons and improving their lifespan, resulting in good memory and preventing various brain diseases. It also builds protein plaques in the brain that prevent Alzheimer's disease and keep it healthy.

Curcumin works to reduce cancer cells in the body it helps to prevent the production of new blood vessels which are responsible for tumours and reduces metastasis, which is known for the spread of cancer.

Overall, turmeric and curcumin have numerous proven benefits, particularly in colon and digestive system health.

Turmeric - Health Benefits


In Ayurveda, it is well well-known medicine and worldwide it is used for its medicinal properties. It belongs to the family of Zingiberaceae and holds incredible health benefits.

Researchers have proven that ginger helps manage blood sugar levels due to its incredible content of gingerols and shogaols.

Ginger tea can help maintain weight, manage depression, and keep you feeling energetic throughout the day. It improves metabolic functions in the body by making it easy to absorb nutrition by cleansing your intestine and is good for relieving bloating and gas problems.

Ginger helps improve blood circulation, relieves pain, and is known as a natural pain reliever. In ancient times, it was the primary suggested remedy by Ayurveda medications. 

Ginger also gives you fresh breath by killing odour-causing bacteria in your mouth and boosts your immune system by flushing out toxins from your body.

Ginger - Health Benefits


Cinnamon is an essential spice that forms a part of the blend of spices called ‘Garam masala’. Cinnamon comes from the Lauraceae family and is obtained from the bark of a tree. It is used in cooking and extracting health benefits.

Cinnamon is known for its healing properties that protect the skin from acne, skin irritations, allergic reactions, and infections. Consuming cinnamon powder regularly can help fight free radical damage in the body.

Cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetes. It reduces insulin resistance in cells and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Additionally, it helps with weight loss, improves mood, works on stress and relieves depression. 

It is a proven anti-ageing agent and helps improve the function of inner organs and the entire body.

Cinnamon helps fight viral infections and improves the health of your lungs by keeping toxins out. 

Cinnamon tea is an excellent energy booster and a natural oral hygiene agent that kills harmful and odour-causing bacteria in the mouth.

Cinnamon also supports healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels and helps regenerate heart tissues.

Cinnamon is great for repelling mosquitoes, preventing viral and bacterial allergies, improving liver health, and serving as an antifungal agent for candida and albicans. 

It also helps detoxify the colon. Overall, cinnamon is an incredible superfood with a plethora of health benefits.

Cinnamon - Health Benefits


Onions can be classified into both herb and vegetable and if we talk about its family it belongs to the Lily plant family. It has incredible health benefits and is a daily vegetable in Indian homes.

Onions are well known for managing cholesterol levels in the body and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart diseases and strokes.

Additionally, they can help to lower high blood pressure in patients. 

If you consume onions regularly, vitamins C and B6 are present in them and also allicin and sulfur will improve your skin and hair quality.

Onion - Health Benefits

In the bottom line:

All the spices mentioned above are considered superfoods. Spices like Coriander leaves, Dill seeds, Garlic, Cumin, Fenugreek seeds, Bay leaves, Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, and Onion are great spices that offer numerous health benefits. It is highly recommended to include these spices in our daily diet to attain optimal health.