From Fluffy to Fit: Understand the science behind how fat loss works!

The human body is a complex biological machine that has to go through many serious and completed procedures to burn fat from your body and if you are aware of how fat loss works then your journey of being fit will be manageable. 

Also, understanding how fat loss works can help you identify where things might be going wrong or what areas you can improve for effective fat loss from your body.

Table of Contents

Fat loss Goal

How do fats store in the body?

When we consume more food that means more calories than the requirement of our body for energy disbursement, then excess energy gets stored in the tissues known as adipose tissues called body fat.

Let’s understand it : 

When we consume more calories than our body needs, excess calories do not get used straight away.

That excess calories then get converted into triglycerides which are most commonly known as fats found in our human body.

Then fats known as triglycerides get converted into small bunches called lipoproteins inside the liver and get released into the bloodstream.

After these lipoproteins transport triglycerides by blood streams to different fat-storing tissues in the body most likely adipose tissues most commonly known as fat cells.

When the fat cells are in adipose tissues, then triglycerides assemble again and get stored as droplets inside fat cells.

In the end, the expansion of fat cells caused by the amount of stored fats increases and they expand in size by accommodating more triglycerides. In case of more calorie excess, new fat cells form and lead to an increase in overall fat storage capacity.

Additionally, insulin plays a vital role in fat storage, when blood sugar levels increase after consumption of your meals, insulin in the body helps cells to absorb glucose for energy. At the same time, it also helps to process the intake and storage of fatty acids into fat cells as triglycerides which leads to ultimate fat storage.

Most dangerous fats for the human body come from highly processed foods which we should avoid, such as trans fat which can cause cardiovascular diseases and numerous health issues.


How does exercise affect stored fat loss?

Exercise can have an awesome and significant impact on stored fats in the body. When you start doing physical activities like exercise, gym, running, and swimming various hormonal stimulation and anatomical processes work inside the human body which helps in the burning of stored fats.

Let's see how fat loss works?

Exercise requires lots of energy and the source of energy in the human body is stored fats which are use as energy to perform tasks.

Glycogen and stored fats are used as fuel when the body requires energy while performing high-intensity workouts like gym, running, cycling, and swimming, and this is how the breakdown of stored fats happens to meet the energy demand of the body.

Moreover, by engaging in regular exercise your metabolic rate increases and even at rest your body burns some amount of extra calories which directly helps you to break down stored fat over time.

Additionally, exercise elevates the process called lipolysis, where stored triglyceride fats are released into blood streams as free fatty acids and glycerol which gets used as fuel and energy by our muscles.

Also, there is a plus point exercise helps you to improve insulin sensitivity, which works for regulating blood sugar levels and boosts the process of fat loss.


Will a calorie deficit work for fat loss?

Calorie deficit is the fundamental principle in reducing fats from the human body. When we consume fewer calories regularly than we consume daily it will create a calorie deficit in your body which helps to burn stored fats from your body for energy requirements to carry out bodily functions.

There are some essential points we should take care of while calorie deficit those are:

Sustainable calorie deficit:

It is very important that you count your calorie deficit which is sustainable for you according to your health conditions. Extreme or heavy dieting can lead to harmful side-effects on your health and metabolism and it will lead to discontinuation of your fat loss journey.

Generally, a 500 to 1000 calorie deficit is suggested for more effective fat loss and it is good if you consult any registered dietitian in your fat loss goal.

Take care of nutrition:

When we are dealing with a calorie deficit it is mandatory to fill our meals with all the important nutrition that our body requires including protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

A well-balanced diet is also important in the process of fat loss journey which supports overall health and can help preserve muscle mass.


For effective fat loss, it is suggested by dietitians and trainers that exercising and adding physical activities to your routine can provide you additional benefits and work for fat loss in an effective manner.

Personal Differences:

Also, calorie deficit works according to factors such as age, gender, type of physical activities, genetics and metabolism. Hence, here you need to be patient and focus on your fat loss goal.

Count Your Progress:

Count your physical activities, track food intake and calorie consumption and note the results and positive changes in you this will lead you to gain overall fitness and quick results. Or consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist for guidance.

In the bottom line:

you should always remember that fat loss works only when you chase it in a healthy and sustainable way. And it's important to keep yourself motivated in this fat loss journey.

Looking for Rapid changes or going harsh on calorie deficit can damage your health and can lead to negative health consequences and it's not generally suggested. Always give importance to your overall well-being and consider consulting with health care professionals such as registered dietitians or nutritionists and seek their guidance and support.