Life in Tune: Striking the Perfect Chord with Work-Life Balance!

What is Work life balance?

When we start comparing work and life most of us get confused because both are the integral part of our life and balance each other.

Work life balance is nothing but maintaining your personal and professional responsibilities altogether with genuine happiness without any struggle.

There are many factors which affect our work life balance such as work commitments and job demands, workaholic mindset, poor time management, work environment and culture of the organization, connectivity and technology, career aspiration, and individual preferences and priorities.

Table of Contents

Work - Life

Now let’s explore these problems and there solutions to maintain work life balance in effective manner:

Work commitments and job demands: 

All of us know the importance of work for ourselves and also for the organization we are working for, but sometimes or always extra targets, heavy workloads, tight deadlines, constant pressure of meeting deadlines, and long working hours makes you stressed and affects your personal life. 

Solution Learn to say No, if you are not capable of doing any extra task you can talk and say No because you do not only work for money but also you want a satisfying happy life. On the other hand, Organization has staff to manage their work. Do you have somebody to manage your personal life ? just think.

Workaholic mindset: 

People with this mindset know work is very important for livelihood and they try their best to achieve this but they lose their time, special family events, social friend circle and also fail to fulfill their family responsibilities.

Solution  All you need to do is understand that your family requires not only financial support but also your time and love. Your friends also want to spend time with you, catching up at night events. By managing this well, you can achieve both your work responsibilities and your family duties. And don't forget to take some time for yourself too because self-care is not selfishness.

Poor time management:

When you are not able to manage your time at the workplace and unwantedly wasting your time on un-prioritize tasks it will lead you to long working hours and more work stress.

Solution Here if you manage your shift timing and working hours in an appropriate way then you can finish off your work on time and you will have enough time to carry out your other responsibilities.

Work environment and culture of the organization: 

Organizational values depend on the employees who are working in the organization. If seniors or managers are habitual of the culture like disturbing their colleagues at home for work related queries or stressing them in the office for long working hours then it will really affect employees work life balance and mental peace and mental health.

Solution It's important to maintain a positive work environment by the organization which adds values to employees work life balance and make it easy to be more productive at work place with positive energy.

Employees can also draw their boundaries by saying please contact only when its urgent and supportive staff should help each other to manage work life balance.

Connectivity and technology:

In the old days 8 or 9 hours of work was enough. Later employees used to spend their time with friends and family but now technology is there to ask for work from home, email, important text, important clients and so on..

This constant connectivity from office to home via smartphones, emails has really blurred the boundaries between personal time and working time which directly disturbing work life balance.

Solution Many countries have set rules that after work there is no right to disturb employees by the employer and this should be followed by both just to maintain a good environment in the organization as well for mental peace of both employee and employer.

Also you can talk about it with colleagues by saying “we will connect each other only when it's very important.” and they can understand cause they also need work life balance in their life as well.

Career aspiration:

Many youngsters want to build an ambitious career and they work hard for it but sometimes in the race so called success they sacrifice their personal life to focus on their professional growth.

Some of them can handle it and some of them feel anxiety and depression.

Solution You should understand here that everything should be balanced. It's a life and you have to live it fully and hence career is important as well as selfcare.

There is no need to be stressed, with proper time and career management and skills you can achieve a great career by just balancing your things by keeping a positive and productive mindset.

Individual preferences and priorities:

Every person has their own priorities that can be related to work, family or something else and here to balance it they have to go through the ways such as time management, selfcare and should take care of their mental health. And in such a way they can find a work life balance.

Work Stress

In the bottom line:

Work is really an important factor in an individual's life but work life balance is also important because if your mental peace is devastated by your job and you're suffering from anxiety, stress or any mental or family issues then there is no point in what you are earning because you work for happy life and a happy family and hence work life balance is important and it plays vital role in everyone's life.

By achieving work life balance you can achieve optimum mental health, mental peace and love from your family and friends and can lead a happy and fulfilling life.