Unlocking the Power of Dietary Fibre: Sources and Significance

If we look into the nutritional aspects, dietary fibre plays a vital role being crucial micronutrients in the body, like carbs, fats, and protein. While it is an important content of a healthy diet meal plan and offers numerous health benefits to the human body.

There are many disease scenes caused by the issues of gut health and improper digestion that can be covered if the fibre content in your plate is present as much needed.

In this article we are going to learn about what dietary fibre is, what is moderate intake in young adults and in male and females, Also we will check out some best sources of foods with richness of dietary fibre and what are the options available in the market as dietary fibre supplements.

Table of Contents

What is Dietary Fibre?

Dietary fibre is extracted from the plants and it cannot be digested by the human digestive system. It is also known as roughage or bulk.

Usually dietary fibre does not get absorbed by small intestines in the body and it travels in the digestive system. Generally fibre content varies according to type of plant based food.

And it is classified into two types those are soluble dietary fibre and insoluble dietary fibre.

Benefits of Foods Dietary fibre

It helps in improving digestive health: We all know that fibre is extremely good in improving gut health and also it prevents constipation and regulates your irregular bowel movements.

Weight Management: Foods with high fibre tend to be more filling, which helps to prevent overeating and contributes to weight management.

Control your blood sugar: In Peoples who are suffering from diabetes, consumption of soluble fibre plays a vital role by slowing down absorption of sugar which directly controls sugar in your blood.

Improves your heart health: Consumption of high-fibre diets has a link with lowering your cholesterol levels, which is helpful in reducing risk of heart disease and lowers your blood pressure.

Keep you far from risk of certain cancers: Colorectal cancer is reduced by the consumption of a high fibre diet, especially insoluble fibre. This cancer is caused by the growth of multiple cells in the colon in the large intestine or bowel.

Boosts Long-term Health: If you want to live a long and healthy life then choose a high fibre diet which will contribute to your longer and healthier life and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Types of Dietary Fibre

There are two main types of dietary fibre:

1. Soluble fibre: Soluble fibre can dissolve in water and it converts into gel-like substance in contact with water.

Regular required consumption of soluble fibre can help in lowering down your cholesterol levels and regulates your blood sugar levels.


Some foods which are rich in soluble fibres are :- Oats, Beans, Apples, and citrus fruits.

Insoluble Fibre: Insoluble fibre adds bulk to stool and it does not dissolve in water. It is a great remedy for preventing constipations and supports the healthy function of gut and digestive health.

It is specifically a great choice for people who are suffering from constipation.

Some foods which are rich in insoluble fibre are :- Whole grains, Nuts, Seeds, and mostly vegetables.

Required Fibre in Males and Females

The fibre intake should be taken according to age groups and gender and consulting healthcare professionals for a diet plan according to your diet type and health issues can be a smart decision.


38 to 40 grams of fibre every day


25 to 30 grams of fibre every day

Child 5 year old

10 to 15 grams of fibre every day

Child 10 year old

15 to 20 grams of fibre every day

Foods That Are Rich in Dietary Fibre

Whole Grains: In indian food culture you will find many grains full of fibre like, whole wheat chapati, whole wheat braid, brown rice, quinoa and oats etc.

Legumes: Beans, Rajma(kidney beans), Peas, lentils, and chickpeas are awesome sources of dietary fibre.

Fruits: Berris, Apples, Banana, Guava, Pear(Nashpati) and other citrus fruits are rich in fibre.

Vegetables: There are many options in vegetables which have a higher amount of fibre content. Those are Broccoli, Spinach, Potatoes, Carrots, Leafy greens, cauliflower, Pumpkins, Lady fingers, Sweet potatoes etc.

Seeds and Nuts: Seeds and nuts like Almonds, Chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, squash seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Dry coconuts, Sunflower seeds(Suryaful Beej), are the best source of fibre among the seeds and nuts family.

Cereals made from Bran: Bran flakes, it is similar to corn flakes made from roasted wheat or oats and its outer covering of whole wheat has an excellent fibre boost.

Supplements of Dietary Fibre

In this fast paced world everyone wants quick solutions and feels that from det alone it is impossible to meet daily needs of fibre intake and here fibre supplements come into existence.

Some common fibre supplements are psyllium husk, glucomannan and also wheat dextrin. These can fill the gap of your fibre intake and recommended daily amount.

It will be a smart decision before starting such supplements. You should take advice and consultation from health care professionals or registered dietitians. 

In the bottom line:

Dietary Fibre has incredible benefits in a healthy diet and plays a vital role in the digestive system, weight management, controlling blood sugar levels, reduces constipation, and improves heart health.

To take benefits of all this it's very essential to consume food which has high fibre content daily. And you should target to consume the required fibre amount for your body.

By incorporating those high-fibre foods into your plate everyday will boost your overall health and wellbeing.