Mental Health and Technology: Striking a Balance in the Digital Age

In today's quick, rapid and digitalized world, technology plays a vital role in our everyday lives. Technology has made its own space from smartphones to virtual reality, and social media, everything is changed by it, and the way we communicate, work and think everything has become advanced. There is no doubt that technology has brought us awesome benefits but it also raises some queries for our mental health and well-being.

In this article, we will delve into the bond between mental health and technology and some applied tips to balance your mental health with today’s technologies and the digital world.

Coping with mental health

The Digital Revolution: A Double-Edged Sword

Our lives are completely changed by technology and it has become more smooth, convenient and structured. We can have connections with our friends and families throughout the world and can access any information easily with some taps. Also, we can take care of our health with wearable digital health devices. And many more things are possible and more advanced things are in the loop.

Yet, this digital revolution has brought us numerous benefits but also there are some negative things impacting our mental health let's check:

Digital Addiction: 10 to 15 years before the human brain was more active they used to memorize things easily and were long-lasting in mind but now with technology, we humans are losing those abilities too.

Also, we get distracted with social media and other exciting content of entertainment and it makes us addicted to nature without realizing it. And leads to anxiety, depression, and feelings of loneliness.

FOMO: Fear of missing out on continuous comparisons on social media with others can be depressing and negatively impact your mental health. 

Cyberbullying: There are some people who use their talent for bullying on the internet and this can damage you emotionally and lead to depression hence, they need to be secure and protected.

Sleep Disruption: Using your phones or other devices that emit blue rays is bad for your eyes, in the long term It affects your sleeping patterns and can also lead to mental sickness and tiredness.

Trapped with technology

How You Can Manage Your Mental Health in this World of Digitalization?

We all know that technology has become an undeniable part of our lives, we can not avoid it fully but we can take some smart steps to manage our mental health together.

Limit Your Screen Time: Set the limit on using devices that emit blue rays and also ask to follow your children or family members.

By doing this your sleep quality will improve and you can enjoy tech-free hours with family and friends.

Manage Social Media: Limit the time of your mindless scrolling on social media. Beware of accounts that make you uncomfortable and trigger unsafe feelings. Unfollow negative groups and be with positive and mindful connections.

Practice Digital Detox: Spend some quality time in nature exploring things out of your room. Take frequent breaks from digital devices and explore your thoughts out of the box. This will work effectively for you by saying it is a digital detox.

Cultivate Digital Literacy: Many new users don't know about the risks of using technologies. It's important to make them aware of digital privacy, safe browsing, and online literacy and privacy is important to keep you safe from cyber attacks.

Choose your priorities: Keep your real life in front, don't think that virtual life is more important than the real one. Real connections are more important for a lovely life. Hence no need to please your virtual connections and be mindful of your thoughts.

Ask for Professional Help: If you are dealing with any unknown mental issues related to technology or it is bothering you in any way do not hesitate to seek help from mental health professionals.

Take Your Technology Positively: There are many things that support your mental health provided by today's technology such as awesome music, health-related apps, online clubs and groups, various therapies and accessible services related to overall health make use of it and lead a healthy and happy life by adapting technology positively. 

Positive use of Gadgets

In the bottom line: Technology is an undivided and crucial part of our life and we cannot deny it. But it's really important to put forth your mental well-being and reduce the potential impact of negative things from technology and balance it with your mental health.

Protecting our mental health in this digital world is key to balancing our lives. It can happen by incorporating some habits like limiting screen time, being aware of technology, managing our digital presence, choosing our priorities and using technology wisely and positively and this will lead you to a happier and more satisfying life.