Signs of Poor Mental Health in Students: Identifying the Silent Struggle

The student phase is all about activities including academics, social circles, personal development, sports, and many other classes that their parents want, and students struggle to balance it all. In this way, many parents overlook students' mental health status.

Identifying those signs related to mental health is crucial for early intercession and support.

Let's explore in this article what are those key indicator signs of poor mental health in students that might disrupt students' academic and overall well-being.

Signs of Poor Mental Health in Students
Table of Contents

Noticeable Changes in Behavior

When students start to experience mental health issues, it can be seen in their behaviour, and it's noticeable.

They will start to be far from social groups and friends, avoid social functions and activities, not participate in school co-curricular activities and discussions, and face mood swings. Sometimes they withdraw and avoid tasks once they find them interesting.

Solution: If you recognise these signs in students, try to talk with them like a good caretaker and listen to them do what they want, identify which challenges they find difficult, and make necessary changes to them for their better mental health.

Academic Performance Decline

This is a great and common sign among students of poor mental health. When they suffer they start losing their academic score and it is noticeable. Watch their declined grades or marks, missed assignments, and lack of interest in their favourite subject too. And this academic struggle indicates poor mental health and struggles.

Solution: Don't be aggressive to their poor academics, talk with teachers, know the appropriate reasons and then react to the situation if they are struggling with any mental health issue and find a solution for it.

Physical Symptoms

Also, poor mental health in students can be identified by their physical signs. like constant headaches, stomachaches, fatigue and tiredness, sleep disruptions, and emotional stress. In this way, the body can show the symptoms that the person is dealing with mental health issues.

Solution: First, you should consult a healthcare professional and ask for their advice. If it's caused by poor mental health, then it's a sign for you to care for him or her more.

Isolation and Social Withdrawal

Students who are dealing with mental issues can cut themselves off from friends, families, and social activities. This time they feel that they are falling behind, feel loneliness, and seem disconnected. It can be noticed that if students frequently avoid social interaction, it can be a red flag.

Solution: If you are noticing these changes, then accompany them, spend time with them, and listen to them. If they can share their feelings, they will feel better and come out of poor mental health.

Students coping with stress

Increased Irritability or Anxiety

If they are really struggling with severe poor mental health, then they can show signs like anxiety, panic attacks, or depression. Students can also show signs like restlessness and nervousness, or they may not be able to concentrate on their academics or lectures.

Solution: Here, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for advice and suggestions and find out the right treatments.

Substance Abuse

In some cases, students can turn to substances that give them pleasure in bad company, like alcohol, or any coping mechanism for their mental health struggles. These sudden changes in their behaviour, hiding things, and being creative can be warning signs for parents or caretakers.

Solution: You should accompany them and be with them when they are coping with loneliness and poor mental health. Parents or caretakers should give them their presence and love.


If they do not get the solution and cope with mental health by themselves, then their thoughts can turn to self-harm. If they show a hint of self-harm, bad behaviour, or being very aggressive, then you should take it as a red flag and take it seriously.

Solution: In this case, parents need to be more careful and lovable. Also, consulting healthcare professionals can be effective.

Perfectionism and Overwhelming Stress

Students with some mental health issues can exhibit extreme perfectionism and set impractical academic goals for themselves, and the reason behind this is stress. They can express their stressful feelings about grades, assignments, and extracurricular activities, which can lead to extreme pressure and worry.

Solution: You should talk with them and have them clear their concepts about academic goals and fulfilment, set their schedules, and ask them to prioritize their health.

Changes in Eating Habits

Students can show signs of poor mental health in their daily habits like eating and playing, and this can lead to weight gain or loss. irregular eating patterns and obsession with losing thoughts can make it severe and lead to eating disorders and emotional distress.

Solution: Parents should track their habits and be helpful with their favourite food items. Ask them about lunch and dinner so they will not miss eating.

Difficulty in Concentrating or Memory Problems

Poor mental health in students can impact their memory power, and they cannot concentrate easily on lectures and studies. You should track signs that they are forgetting things easily, unable to focus on lectures and assignments, and facing challenges in scheduling their thoughts.

Solution: Help them in their studies, share good techniques about it, and if they are not able to concentrate, talk with them, listen to their problems, and behave accordingly.

Avoidance of Seeking Help

Students struggling with poor mental health avoid seeking required help from others as they feel they will judge them or feel overwhelmed. This leads to avoiding conversations about their poor mental health with close ones as well.

Solution: Parents should interact with them, show them love and support so they will feel safe around you, and share their thoughts.

Unexplained Aches or Pains

Sometimes poor mental health in students shows signs like stomach aches, muscle tension, or body pains also this can be a body signal of anxiety and stress.

Solution: just be careful with them show them your love and care and ask them frequently if you are ok? and make them feel comfortable

This all sign contributes towards poor mental health in students and treating these mental issues in early phases is most important as this can lead to severe mental health conditions and challenges in future.

Achieved better mental health by student

In the bottom line:

It is the collective responsibility of parents, teachers, and caretakers to recognize signs of poor mental health in students. Create such a supportive environment in school so that students feel safe around them and can easily discuss their mental health issues. Identifying poor mental health and treating it early can change students' life and well-being positively.

Keep in mind that this sign may indicate mental health issues but not having an exact diagnosis, hence collectively all supporters of students including parents and teachers should offer them a helping hand and should encourage them and navigate their life towards positive and overall well-being.

And if required seek professional help.

F A Qs

What are the most common mental health problems in students?

These common mental health problems in students can be mood swings, distraction, anxiety, depression, lack of focus on the lecture and illness, body pain and worries.

What are the problems faced by students?

Students can face problems related to their academic stress, co-curricular activities, stage fear and feelings of falling behind.

How do you identify students' problems?

You can identify them by tracking them. If they are not engaging socially with friends or students, not focusing in class, being alone in their thoughts, and skipping their lunch and dinner means they are suffering from something and you should know it for their better well-being.